

While listening to a recorded sermon series recently, I took special note of the pastor relating a story about a recent peer review.  He said he was found to be ÒconfrontationalÓ by his peers rather than contemporary[1].  We should be able to agree that, for the most part, contemporary Bible preaching from American pulpits is not confrontational.  However, should it be?


Is the Bible confrontational?  Indeed it is.


For the most part, the Bible tells of confrontation beginning to end; Adam & Eve to The Revelation of Jesus Christ.  If the Bible confronts mankind, there must be a reason.  And so, should you be reading books that promote the status quo and tell you what you prefer to hear, or should you be challenged and confronted with GodÕs Word?


My work will be confrontational with regard to the single most important issue facing the world today.  This issue is our relationship with our creator as we move forward in the End Times.  There is a large group who would disagree and argue that climate change is the most important issue.  Anthropogenic based climate change is their sermon and it is nothing more than ÔMother EarthÕ paganism.  What do the climate change people have in common?  They have no relationship with God.  Liberals are typically atheist or agnostic.  Political issues today primarily boil down to believers versus the atheists/agnostics.  Most believers are conservative and most non-believers are liberals.  Listen to the liberals – they openly state they intend to silence the deniers.  Make no mistake; we Christians are the deniers they speak of.  How do they intend to silence us?  Read Daniel; read Ezekiel; read Revelation – the answer is there.  Any time the political subject of Ôhow did we get to this pointÕ comes up; remember that it is not political.  This is prophecy played out here and now.  Israel exists again after 2000 years and Ezekiel 38 is being set up in plain sight of the world.  How many recognize this?


We have Christians and then we have christians.  The definition of Christian is very simple and yet we have made it very complicated.  A Christian is one who correctly answers two questions and accepts the reason for His coming – Who is Jesus and why has he come?  It is as simple as this.  My proof is in the Bible – the entirety of the Christian Bible, which of course includes the Old Testament.  Jesus is on every page of the Old Testament[2] – you just have to find Him.  We have conflicting denominations and dogma because of man and not because of GodÕs word.  GodÕs word is perfect and it is intricately interlaced and must be understood in its entirety.  From here forward, I refer to a Christian as a person who is saved because of his belief in the correct answers to the two questions.  Many who call themselves Christians are actually agnostic Christians who are in jeopardy.  There are entire denominations in jeopardy because they are not Christian.  There are countless individuals who believe themselves saved who are not yet saved because of the dogma of man.  Everyone gets to make a decision one way or another – do not have to make that decision during the Tribulation.


Christians must be prepared for the End Times and they are not; the Church must be preparing for the End Times and it is not.  My wife and I were once visited by a pastor who came to see if we were worthy of joining his congregation.  I asked his position on the Book of Revelation.  He said; ÒI donÕt understand that book and have a lot of questions, but I wonÕt be here when all that happens and so IÕll ask when I get to heavenÓ.  That was not an acceptable answer and I hope it is not your view.


Contemporary teaching, again for the most part, is either avoiding End Times issues or is deceiving Christians by telling them what they want to hear; as they say; Òit will either happen sometime in the future after IÕm dead & gone or IÕll be taken in the Rapture firstÓ.  This misinformation is what their itching ears want to hear, and I submit there is a legion out there ready to sell it to them.  The ÔdoctrineÕ will not agree with me because they have created an extra-biblical doctrine and they push it hard.  When is the Rapture, and who will be taken, and what is meant by ÔtakenÕ.  Will all Christians be taken?  The Bible is silent on this question and our beliefs were not considered.  Not being raptured does not necessarily mean not saved.  Christians are sinners – here is a tough question.  Two Christians are involved in an intimate act of adultery during the Rapture event.  Will they be taken?  They are saved but will they have to endure the Tribulation?  Again, our opinion on this was not considered.


I will focus on the Rapture and the Tribulation and these difficult questions and more.  These events certainly capture a lot of press, and like the term ÔArmageddonÕ, are almost universally misunderstood.  The Rapture is a mystery – being taken does not sound like a mystery so why is it a mystery?  People are drawn to this mystery for many reasons.  When information is presented on this subject, it must be processed; it can not be ignored.  Once the information is received, it must be dealt with.  To many it is overwhelming and just downright scary.  Rationalization is the answer for many.  Rationalization is hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich.  Would this ostrich fool a predator or would Satan simply devour it.  The End Times must be understood and dealt with now – not later – now!  There is little time.


We need to get our definitions straight and we need not to make assumptions.  An assumption can change our understanding of scripture, which in effect changes scripture.  What do I mean here – scripture does not change?  What would God say?  If one translates incorrectly or interprets incorrectly or makes an assumption and then promulgates misinformation as scriptural doctrine, has this person violated Galatians 1:8 and will this person be condemned, rather eternally condemned?  Galatians 1:8 is very important and it will be referenced often.


But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!  Galatians 1:8 NIV


It is absolutely necessary to get a clear and scriptural understanding of everything we study.  We can develop a hypothesis and test it against other scripture to see if it holds true.  This is something akin to the scientific method.  In any case, we must clear our minds of assumptions and take scripture for its clear meaning.  There is also an assumption that people will vanish at the Rapture.  The word ÔtakenÕ does not necessarily mean vanish.  Something is taken, yes, but what is it?


Further to definition, we need to understand the Who, What, Where, When and Why of the Rapture.  Several of these WÕs are easy.  ÔWhereÕ, for example, is everywhere.  I will propose a ÔWhoÕ that many will disagree with.  ÔWhatÕ has already been touched upon.  ÔWhyÕ is pretty easy but more complicated than you might think.  The Rapture will not be a sign to those left behind depending upon the timing.  So, the big question is When in conjunction with Who and how which is What.


Not a sign?  How can the rapture not be a sign?  How can such a significant event, perhaps the most visible miracle since Moses in Egypt, not be recognized by those left behind as a sign?  Many authors struggle with this.  I will offer answers that will make sense when viewed in light of JesusÕ own words; Òthe sign of JonahÓ.


What will the Rapture look like?  How will it be manifested?  I have already stated it should not be assumed Christians will vanish and leave their clothes behind as you have been led to believe.  There is another explanation and one that makes good sense in the light of Scripture.  It wonÕt be pleasant and I can state now that many will reject the premise for that very reason.


Who will be taken?  This is not an easy question unless the reader makes assumptions.  My answer will confront the dominant paradigm – we can not assume all saved Christians will be taken.  This brings me to my final point.  Will you fail the test?  Will you be taken in the rapture or will you stay behind to fight or capitulate?


I will challenge assumptions.  Everything said herein must be weighed against the totality of Scripture.  My purpose is to clear your mind of pre-conceived notions whether yours or planted by others.  Listen to the Word of God and keep your mind open so you will not be deceived.  If you have made assumptions regarding the End Times and things do not occur as you expect or in the sequence you expect, you may be ripe for deception.  The stakes are high – do not be deceived – many will.


and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Matthew 24:11 NIV


            For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible.  Matthew 24:24 NIV


For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites.  By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.  Romans 16:18 NIV


Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for [that day will not come] until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.  2 Thessalonians 2:3 NIV


and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth--Gog and Magog--to gather them for battle.  In number they are like the sand on the seashore.  Revelation 20:8 NIV


Are you naive?  There is a cure for that.  Are there false prophets out there?  Yes, there are many.  They stand at the head of many large congregations.  They write popular books.  They are among the number of televangelists.  They deceive many and they deceive now – this is prophesied for the End Times.  This is yet another sign of the times. 


Yes, I said stay behind to fight.  If you are still here after the rapture, it is fight or die.  If you think Jesus is all love, you are sadly mistaken.  When the Great Tribulation starts it will be war.  You donÕt want to be down here.  It is best to be with Him in a glorified body administering the tribulation at his side.


And so, if I do nothing more than make you think and to question, then I have succeeded.  This is my purpose.



JR Lawrence Sr.

© 2008-2016

[1] Stephen A Chronister, Cliffside Community Chapel

[2] Dr. David Murray et al